Assistant Planner - South Dublin County Council
  • Dublin, Other, Ireland
  • via ClickaJobs (1)
Job Description

Assistant Planner Aside from the exciting range of opportunities to make a real difference to your community and county, South Dublin County Council is a great place to work and for many people already provides an attractive career and working environment. Working for South Dublin County Council will give you the opportunity to gain experience at the heart of local government and to develop your career in a diverse work environment. We recognise the value of our employees, can offer a diverse range of job and career options, can provide plenty of scope for career progression and can provide structured training and personal development We also offer flexible working arrangements including blended working arrangements, a positive work environment, training and development opportunities, a defined career path and the opportunity to make a difference. Everything you need to know about South Dublin County Council is available on our website. The role An Assistant Planner is responsible for working as part of a team implementing programmes of work in the Planning Department and for providing a multiplicity of planning services and related services. Assistant Planner positions are multi-faceted and may include some or all of the following key service areas: Developmentmanagement. Planningenforcement. Forwardplanningandsustainabledevelopment;and Gathering and analysis of statistics on development. The office is wholetime, permanent and pensionable. A panel will be formed to fill permanent and temporary vacancies. Persons employed will be required to work in any location within the South Dublin administrative area. Salary €45,802-€48,444-€50,384-€52,367-€54,397-€56,461-€58,544-€60,627-€62,710- €64,796 - €66,894 (MAX) - €69,038 (LSI 1) - €71,185 (LSI 2) Hours of Work Thesuccessfulcandidatesnormalhoursofworkwillbe 35hoursperweek. The Council reserves the right to alter your hours of work from time to time. Annual Leave Annualleaveentitlementforthispositionis30days. Only applications received electronically through the Councils e-Recruitment system will be accepted and must be received no later than midnight on Thursday, 24thOctober 2024 Qualifications Character Candidateswillbeofgoodcharacter. Health Eachcandidatemustbeinastateofhealthsuchaswouldindicateareasonableprospectofability to render regularand efficient service. Essential Education, training, experience Each candidate must, on the latest date for receipt of completed application forms: hold an honours degree (level eight in the National Framework of Qualifications) in Planning; have at least two years satisfactory experience of planning work; and possessahighstandardoftechnicaltrainingandexperience. Desirable Education, training, experience Theidealcandidateshouldbeabletodemonstratethefollowing: Good knowledge of planning legislation and the principles, practices and techniques of planning. Anabilitytoworkpositivelyaspartofamulti-disciplinaryteam. Goodplanning,operationalandprojectmanagementskills. Goodcommunication/presentationandinterpersonalskills. Good knowledge, or the ability to quickly acquire same, of local government functions, serviceandactivitiesparticularlyinrelationtoplanninganddevelopment. GoodreportwritingskillsandstrongITskills. Anabilitytoachievedeliveryofcompetingdemandswithinprescribedtimelinesand deadlines. BeamemberoftheIrishPlanningInstitute/RoyalTownPlanningInstituteorbeeligible formembership ofeither professionalInstitute. Key competencies / skills Deliveringresults Performancemanagement Personaleffectiveness Local government knowledge and understanding Candidates are requested to give an example of a situation which highlights the behaviour, skills and attitude that underpin effective performance in these areas and which demonstrates their suitability to meet the challenges of this role. Candidates should ensure the example used clearly demonstrates their ability in this area and that the scale and scope of the example given is appropriate to the post and level of the post. Duties AssistantPlannerdutiesincludebutarenotlimitedtothefollowing: 1. Assess planning applications and pre-application proposals against the Councils policies and provide recommendations and policy responses to these as required. 2. Assist in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of development plan / local area plan / Strategic Development Zone planning schemes and assist in the preparation of reports on these matters for the Chief Executive and appropriate Committees of the Council. 3.Assist in the preparation of planning studies including EU funded research projects. 4. Assisting in monitoring and reporting on implementation progress, including gathering / analysis of development and market activity. 5. Liaise and work with constituent planning authorities and other public authorities on all aspects of implementation. 6.Assist in the Councils work on Active Land Management. 7. Assist with the delivery of Local Infrastructure Housing Activation and Urban Regeneration Development Fund initiatives. 8.Assist in the preparation and implementation of climate action works. 9. Assist and provide advice to Chief Executive, appropriate Committees of the Council, individuals, groups and so on, on planning related issues. 10.Assist in the procurement and management of consultants. 11.Any other associated duties as may be assigned from time to time. 12.Assist in the identification of and undertake opportunities for continual improvement. 13.ContributepositivelyandengagewiththePlanningDepartmentscontinualprofessional development programmes. These duties are indicative rather than exhaustive and are carried out under general guidance. Persons employed will be required to work in any location within the South Dublin administrative area. Salary EntrypointtoasalaryscalewillbedeterminedinaccordancewithCircularsissuedbythe Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. In accordance with Departmental Circular letter EL 02/2011, a person who is not a serving local authority employee on or after 1st January 2011, will enter the scale for the position at the minimum point. RateofremunerationmaybeadjustedfromtimetotimeinlinewithGovernment Policy. The salary shall be fully inclusive and shall be as determined from time to time. The holder of the post shall pay to the Local Authority any fees or other monies (other than their inclusive salary) payable to or received by them by virtue of the post or in respect of any services, which they are required by or under any enactment to perform. Duties The duties of the office are to give to the local authority and to such other local authorities or bodies for which the Chief Executive, for the purposes of the Local Government Act, 2001, is Chief Executive and toanyotherlocalauthorityorbodywithwhichanagreementhasbeenmade bythelocalauthorityorbyanyoftheauthoritiesorbodiesmentionedinsub- paragraph (a) of this paragraph Under the general direction and control of the Chief Executive or of such other officer as the Chief Executive may from time to time determine, such appropriate management, technical, executive, supervisory, advisory and ancillary services as may be required by any local authority or body hereinbefore mentioned in the exercise and performance of any of its powers, functions and duties, including the duty of servicing all committees that may be established by any such local authority or body. The holder of the office will, if required, act for an officer of a higher level. Citizenship Critical Skills Occupations Candidates must, by the date of submission of application form, have a Critical SkillsEmploymentPermit(stamp1G).Candidatesshouldensurethatthepostthey are applying for is included in the Critical Skills Occupations List Non-Critical Skills Occupations Candidatesmust,bythedateofsubmissionofapplicationform,be: 1. A citizen of the European Economic Area (EEA). The EEA consists of the Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway; or 2.A citizen of the United Kingdom (UK); or 3. A citizen of Switzerland pursuant to the agreement between the EU and Switzerland on the free movement of persons; or 4. A non-EEA citizen who is a spouse or child of an EEA or UK or Swiss citizen and has a stamp 4 visa: or 5. A person awarded international protection under the International Protection Act 2015, or any family member entitled to remain in the State as a result of family reunification and has a stamp 4 visa or 6. A non-EEA citizen who is a parent of a dependent child who is a citizen of, and resident in, an EEA member state or the UK or Switzerland and has a stamp 4 visa. In the case of relief positionsadvertisedbytheCouncil,apersonawardedastamp2 Visa (student visa) is allowed to work to a maximum of 20 hours work per week. Probation Where a person is appointed to South Dublin County Council, the following provisions will apply - therewillbeaperiodafterappointmenttakeseffect,duringwhichsuchapersonwill hold the position on probation. suchperiodwillbeoneyear,buttheChiefExecutivemay,athisdiscretion,extend such period. suchapersonwillceasetoholdthepositionattheendoftheperiodofprobation unless during this period the Chief Executive has certified that the service is satisfactory. theperiodat(a)abovemaybeterminatedongivingoneweeksnoticeasperthe Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts. therewillbeassessment(s)duringtheprobationaryperiod. Officers who have already completed a probationary period with another Local Authority will not be obliged to serve probation with South Dublin County Council. Residence Holders of the office will reside in the district in which their duties are to be performedorwithinareasonabledistancethereof,asdeterminedbySouthDublin County Council. Outside Employment The position is whole-time,and the employeemaynotengage in private practice or beconnectedwithanyoutsidebusinesswhichwouldinterferewiththeperformance of official duties. Superannuation The provisions of the Local Government (Superannuation) (Consolidation) Scheme 1998 may apply. PersonswhobecomepensionableofficerswhoareliabletopaytheClassArateofPRSI contribution will be required, in respect of their superannuation contribution, to contribute to the local authority as follows: 1.5%oftheirpensionableremuneration plus 3.5%of netpensionable remuneration (i.e. pensionable remuneration less twice the annual rate of social insurance old age contributory pension payable at the maximum rate to a person with no adult dependent or qualified children). Persons who become pensionable officers who are liable to pay the Class D rate of PRSI contribution will be required, in respect of their superannuation contribution, to contribute to the local authority at the rate of 5% of their pensionable remuneration. The provisions of the Spouses and Childrens / Widows & Orphans Contributory Pension Scheme will continue to apply. New entrants will be admitted to the Single Public Service Pension Scheme with effect from the date of appointment. The scheme is contributory and provides pension, retirement gratuity, death gratuity and survivors benefits. To qualify for a pension the successful candidate must have served a minimum of two years employment in a Local Authority. 2024 Rates and Thresholds Local Government Superannuation Scheme members €0.00 to €34,500 0% €34,500 to €60,000 10% Over €60,000 10.5% Single Public Sector Pension Scheme members €0.00 to €34,500 0% €34,500 to €60,000 3.33% Over €60,000 3.5% Retirement Age There is no mandatory retirement age for new entrants to the public service as defined in the Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004. Anyone who is not a new entrant to the public service, as defined in the Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004, is subject to a compulsory retirement age of 65 years or as determined in accordance with Department Circulars and in line with Government Policy. The maximum retirement age for new entrants as defined by the Public Service Pensions (SingleSchemeandotherProvisions)Act2012is70years.TheCouncilmayreferstaffto a medicaladvisorat any time todetermine fitness forcarrying out the duties to which they have been assigned. Incentivised Scheme for Early Retirement (ISER) It is a condition of the Incentivised Scheme for Early Retirement (ISER) as set out in DepartmentofFinanceCircular12/09 that retirees, underthat Scheme,aredebarred from applyingforanotherpositioninthesameemploymentorthesamesector.Therefore,such retirees may not apply for this position. Recruitment Selectionwillbebymeansofacompetitionbasedonaninterviewconductedbyoron behalf of the Council. Interview may be face to face or conducted through Microsoft Teams and will be at the discretion of the Council. South Dublin County Council reserves its right to shortlist candidates in the manner it deems most appropriate which may include desktop shortlisting and / or preliminary interviews. Shortlisting will be on the basis of information supplied on the application form and the likely number of vacancies to be filled. It is therefore in your own interest to provide a detailed and accurate account of your qualifications and experience on the application form, and to fully complete the competency questions where applicable. A panel may be formed on the basis of such interviews. Candidates whose names are on a panel and who satisfy the Council that they possess the qualifications declared for the post and that they are otherwise suitable for appointment may, within the life of the panel, be appointed as appropriate vacancies arise. The life of the panel will be for a period of one year from the date of its formation. The Council will not be responsible for any expenses a candidate may incur in attending for interview. For the purpose of satisfying the requirement as to health, it will be necessary for successful candidates to undergo a medical examination by a qualified medical practitioner to be nominated by the Council. Appointment will also not proceed without the Council obtaining two satisfactory references from responsible persons know to but not related to the candidate. A responsible person should be a person under whom the candidate has serviced in employment, or in the case of relevant voluntary work a person who has held a supervisory position. At least one of references must be from a current employer. South Dublin County Council will require persons to whom appointments are offered to take up such appointments within a reasonable period as determined by the Council. If they fail to take up appointment within such period or such longer period as the Council in its absolute discretion may determine, the Council will not appoint them. Garda Vetting will be sought prior to appointment in accordance with the National Vetting Bureau Act 2012 - 2016. A candidate who is found to be ineligible at any stage of the competition will not be further considered. Provision of inaccurate, untrue, or misleading information will lead to disqualification from the competition, withdrawal of employment or dismissal. A candidate who does not attend for interview when and where required by the Council will have no further claim to consideration. Applicants should hold themselves in readiness for interview any time after the closing date. Interview results will be available on our website to view. SouthDublinCountyCouncilisanequalopportunitiesemployer. Canvassingwillautomaticallydisqualify.
