Irish Language Officer Grade Vi Oifigeach Gaeilge Grad Vi Job In Tralee

Irish Language Officer Grade VI Oifigeach Gaeilge - Grad VI - Munster Technological University
  • Tralee, Other, Ireland
  • via ClickaJobs (1)
Job Description

Irish Version Oifig an Leas - Uachtarin um Ghntha Acadla agus Clraitheoir Oifigeach Gaeilge Grd VI (Buan lnaimseartha) Ag tuairisci don: Leas - Uachtarn um Ghntha Acadla agus don gClraitheoir sa chéad sc D'fhéadfadh an t - iarrthir rathil a bheith lonnaithe ar Champas Chiarra n ar Champas Chorca Forbhreathn ar an rl: Bunaodh Ollscoil Teicneolaochta na Mumhan (MTU) ar an 1 Eanir 2021 agus is an Ollscoil is nua san Iardheisceart . T sé champas aici ar fud Chorca agus Chiarra. T sé phromhchampas ag MTU mar seo a leanas: Campas Bhaile an Easpaig MTU at suite i mbruachbhailte thiar Chathair Chorca Campas Thuaidh MTU Chiarra at suite i dTr L, Co. Chiarra Campas Theas MTU Chiarra at suite i dTr L, Co. Chiarra Scoil Cheoil MTU Chorca (MTU CSM) at suite i gCathair Chorca Coliste Ealane & Deartha MTU Crawford (MTU CCAD) at suite i gCathair Chorca Coliste Nisinta Muir na hireann (NMCI) at suite i Rinn an Scidgh, Cuan Chorca T os cionn 18,000 foghlaimeoir ag MTU, 2,000 ball foirne agus 140 crsa agus clr idir sholthar conservatoire (1 leibhéal agus 2 leibhéal), printseachta, céimeanna, Mistreachta agus PhDanna. Is é an misean at aige athr a threor agus, trd an oideachas, daoine a chumhacht le haghaidh todhcha rathla i ndomhan domhandaithe. Is mian le MTU Oifigeach Gaeilge a earc chun tac leis an nGaeilge agus an gcultr Gaelach agus chun iad a chur chun cinn ar fud na gcampas uile de chuid MTU. Tr bheith ag obair leis an bhfoireann agus leis na mic léinn tacidh siad leis an Ollscoil chun a cuid spriocanna agus a cuspir straitéiseacha a bhaint amach sa réimse seo. Beidh ar an Oifigeach Gaeilge monatireacht agus taifeadadh a dhéanamh ar chomhlonadh na riachtanas reachtaochta bhartha agus bearta at leagtha amach i Scéim Ghaeilge na hOllscoile a éasc agus a chur chun cinn. Ar bhonn nos leithne, beidh an tOifigeach Gaeilge freagrach as tac le hsid na Gaeilge, a chur chun cinn agus a fheabhs laistigh de MTU. Suomh, leibhéal agus gaol laistigh den struchtr bainistochta: D'fhéadfadh sealbhir an phoist a beith lonnaithe ar aon champas de chuid MTU agus taisteal idir campais de réir mar is g. Tuairisceoidh an t - iarrthir rathil don Leas - Uachtarn um Ghntha Acadla agus Clraitheoir sa chéad sc go dt go gcinnfear Struchtr Eagraochtil MTU. Beidh ar shealbhir an phoist dul i dteagmhil agus comhoibri go héifeachtach le réimse pirtithe leasmhara inmhenacha lena n - irtear Oifig an Uachtarin, Oifig an Chlraitheora, Gntha Seachtracha, Margaocht, Acmhainn Daonna, Oifig na nEalaon, Aontas na Mac Léinn, Seirbhs do Mhic Léinn, ranna acadla/scoileanna/dmha, ar fud na sé champas. I measc na bpromhdhualgas agus na bpromhfhreagrachta, ach gan a bheith teoranta dibh, beidh: Cur chun cinn na Gaeilge agus Cultr na Gaeilge i measc Fhoireann agus Mhic Léinn na hOllscoile: sid na Gaeilge a chur chun cinn agus a spreagadh i measc na mac léinn agus na foirne Oibri le hAontas na Mac Léinn, le clubanna agus cumainn, agus grpa mac léinn eile chun sid na Gaeilge a spreagadh i measc na mac léinn Oibri le bainistocht na hOllscoile agus le ceardchumainn foirne chun sid na Gaeilge a chur chun cinn i measc na foirne Oibri le ranna acadla bhartha agus feidhmeanna na hOllscoile i dtreo eispéiris churaclaim, chomhchuraclaim agus seach - churaclaim nos fearr do mhic léinn, go speisialta sa Ghaeilge agus sa chultr Gaelach Pobal foghlaimeoir agus cainteoir Gaeilge a chruth agus a fhorbairt Pleanil agus Beartas Teanga: Tac agus comhord a dhéanamh ar ghnomhaochta Gaeilge na hOllscoile i measc na mac léinn agus na foirne Plean oibrochta a ullmh d'fhorbairt agus do chur chun cinn na Gaeilge ar fud na hOllscoile Faireachn agus taifead a dhéanamh ar chomhlonadh na gceanglas reachtach Monatireacht a dhéanamh ar chomhlonadh agus ar dhul chun cinn na mbeart at leagtha amach i Scéim Ghaeilge na hOllscoile Sonra a bhaili agus a thuairisci Tac le Feidhmeanna Ollscoile: Tac le feidhmeanna na hOllscoile agus comhairle a thabhairt ina dtaobh maidir le comhlonadh na gceanglas reachtach bhartha agus le Scéim Ghaeilge na hOllscoile Comhoibri le ranna/aonaid ollscoile chun cur chuige comhsheasmhach a chinnti ar fud MTU Téacsanna gearra a aistri n comhairle a thabhairt maidir lena n-aistrichn (, comhphirteanna rid, searmanais, preaseisiint, fgraocht, na mein shisialta, comharthaocht) Maoirseacht a dhéanamh ar thascanna nos m a dhéanann seirbhs seachtracha chun comhsheasmhacht a chinnti Rannphirtocht Pirtithe Leasmhara Lonra agus caidrimh oibre éifeachtacha a fhorbairt le ranna/gnomhaireachta rialtais bhartha agus le pirtithe leasmhara eile lena n - irtear eagraochta pobail, comhlachta ealaon, spirt agus cultir Caidrimh oibre éifeachtacha a fhorbairt leis na mein réiginacha agus nisinta Lonra a fhorbairt le pobal na Gaeltachta agus le heagraochta Gaeilge eile Beidh srchumas sa Ghaeilge agus sa Bhéarla ag an iarrthir idéalach don phost seo, mar aon le srscileanna cumarside scrofa agus bhéal sa d theanga, taith bhartha (, san ardoideachas, sa mhargaocht, i gcur chun cinn teanga, in imeachta, san aistrichn), agus scileanna lidre eagrchin agus idirphearsanta. Beidh an méid seo a leanas ag an iarrthir rathil: Riachtanach: Caighden den scoth sa Ghaeilge scrofa agus labhartha Innilacht in sid teicneolaochta faisnéise agus cumarside lena n - irtear an Microsoft Office Suite, go hirithe Word, Outlook, Excel agus Teams Cumas oibri go héifeachtach agus go neamhsplech as a stuaim féin agus i dtimpeallacht foirne, agus a bheith tiomanta d'fhorbairt phearsanta agus ghairmiil Cumas tuarasclacha scrofa a dhréacht ar ardchaighden Tiomantas lidir don Ghaeilge agus don Chultr Gaelach agus cumas a bheith ina n-ambasadir at le feiceil agus at éifeachtach ina dtaobh sin Srscileanna eagrchin, agus an cumas sceideal éagsil dian de thosaochta at in iomaocht lena chéile a bhainisti laistigh de spriocdhta dochta Scileanna cumarside éifeachtacha mar aon leis an gcumas cumarsid a dhéanamh go maith bhéal, i scrbhinn, n tr mhodhanna leictreonacha, de réir mar is cu do riachtanais an lucht spéise. Srscileanna idirphearsanta agus an cumas daoine a spreagadh Discréid, tuiscint, cirtéis agus breithinas fnta a léiri nuair a bhtear ag déileil le mic léinn, foireann acadil, foireann ghairmiil, bainistochta agus tacaochta, le pirtithe seachtracha agus le daoine aonair A bheith in ann oirin agus a bheith freagril do thimpeallacht oibre éagsil, dinimiciil. Fianaise ar fhéinfhorbairt Cumas scileanna nua a fhorbairt de réir mar a éilonn an rl An t - eolas, na scileanna agus na hinnilachta riachtanacha a bheith acu chun an rl a chomhlonadh Inmhianaithe: Taith bhartha dh bhliain ar a laghad Céim leibhéil 8 n nos airde dars aitheanta bronnta céime, agus b'fhearr an Ghaeilge a bheith mar bhar na bliana deiridh Tuiscint den scoth ar riachtanais phobal na Gaeilge agus tiomantas follasach dibh Cilocht agus/n taith ar aistrichn Gaeilge Taith ar dhréacht tuarasclacha, miontuairisc, polasaithe, treoirlnte, nsanna imeachta. Eolas agus tuiscint ar thrdhreach ardoideachais na hireann Feasacht ar struchtir oifigila, timpeallachta reachtacha, riachtanais agus tacaochta na Gaeilge, agus ar dheiseanna maoinithe bhartha Téarma ceapachin. Scla Tuarastail Grd VI:€ 55,643.00 - € 67,980.00 p.a. lena n - irtear dh incrimint fadseirbhse (octar LSIanna tar éis 3 bliana) Post buan lnaimseartha 35 uaire in aghaidh na seachtaine. D'fhéadfadh uaireanta breise lasmuigh de ghnthuaireanta oibre, lena n - irtear an deireadh seachtaine, a bheith ag teastil go réasnach am go ham chun riachtanais an phoist a chomhlonadh Saoire bhliantil: 27l sa bhliain. An Priseas Agallaimh: M thugtar cuireadh chun agallaimh, is dcha go ndéanfar measn ar iarrthir ag an agallamh faoi na critéir seo a leanas: Féadfar critéir bhreise a chur leis an Agallamh de réir mar a thagann an g chun cinn. Eolas agus taith bhartha Scileanna eagrchin, idirphearsanta agus cumarside bhéal agus i scrbhinn Scileanna TF Taifeadadh miontuairisc, Scrobh Tuairisc agus scileanna maidir le hImeachta a Phleanil Obair foirne agus scileanna comhoibritheacha. Tabhair faoi deara go ndéanfar an t - agallamh tr Ghaeilge agus tr Bhéarla Nta Tbhachtacha: N dhéantar scagthstil agus gearrliostil ach amhin ar bhonn na faisnéise a chuirtear isteach san iarratas. Chomh maith leis na critéir osta, d'fhéadfadh sé go mbeadh g le tuilleadh critéar gearrliostla a thabhairt isteach. Ba chir d'iarrthir a thabhairt d n-aire go bhféadfa iarraidh orthu teacht chuig nos m n agallamh amhin Cinntigh le do thoil go dtugtar faisnéis iomln faoi chilochta agus go bhfuil an fhaisnéis cruinn agus go bhfreagraonn s do thras-scrbhinn bhunaidh na gcilochta Cinntigh, le do thoil, go ndéanann t teagmhil leo sid a ainmnonn t mar mholtir agus go mbeidh t in ann teistiméireacht a sholthar gan mhoill m iarrtar sin ort Is oth leis an Ollscoil nach féidir léi costais a oc d'iarrthir a fhreastalaonn ar agallaimh don phost seo n as dul i mbun an phoist, m cheaptar iad N ghlacfar le hiarratais a gheofar tar éis an dta deiridh. Beidh ceapachin faoi réir ghrinnfhiosrchn an Gharda Sochna An Priseas Iarratais: Iarratais le cras romh-earcaithe (e-Recruitment) MTU amhin. N ghlacfar le hiarratais in aon fhormid eile. Logil isteach ag chun tuilleadh sonra a fhil agus chun iarratas a dhéanamh ar an bpost seo. Is é an dta deiridh a nglacfar le hiarratais n 1.00 p.m. De hAoine 1 Samhain 2024 Is de chinel ginearlta amhin an fhaisnéis a thugtar sa doiciméad seo agus nor cheart glacadh léi mar fhaisnéis chonarthach. Is fostir comhdheiseanna é MTU. English Version Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Registrar Irish Language Officer Grade VI (Permanent whole-time) Reporting to: Vice President for Academic Affairs and Registrar in the first instance The successful candidate may be based in the Kerry or Cork Campus Overview of the role: Munster Technological University (MTU) was established on 1st January 2021 and is the newest University in the South-West with six campuses across Cork and Kerry. MTU has six principal campuses as follows: MTU Bishopstown Campus situated in the western suburbs of Cork City MTU Kerry North Campus situated in Tralee, Co. Kerry MTU Kerry South Campus situated in Tralee, Co. Kerry MTU Cork School of Music (MTU CSM) situated in Cork City MTU Crawford College of Art & Design (MTU CCAD) situated in Cork City National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI) situated in Ringaskiddy, Cork Harbour MTU has over 18,000 learners, 2,000 staff and 140 courses and programmes ranging from conservatoire provision (1st and 2nd level), apprenticeships, degrees, Masters to PhDs. Its mission is to lead change and, through education, empower people for a successful future in a globalised world. MTU wishes to recruit an Irish Language Officer to support and promote Irish language and culture across all campuses of MTU, who, working with staff and students, will support the University to achieve its aims and strategic objectives in this area. The Irish Language Officer will be required to monitor and record compliance with relevant legislative requirements and facilitate and progress actions set out in the Universitys Irish Language Scheme. More broadly, the Irish Language Officer will be responsible for promoting, supporting, and enhancing the use of the Irish language within MTU. Location, level and relationship within management structure: The postholder could be based on any campus of MTU and travel between campuses will be required. The successful candidate will report to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Registrar in the first instance, pending the determination of the MTU Organisational Structure. The postholder will be required to engage and collaborate effectively with a range of internal stakeholders including Presidents Office, Registrars Office, External Affairs, Marketing, Human Resources, Arts Office, Students Union, Student Services, academic departments/schools/faculties, across all six campuses. Main duties and responsibilities will include but not be limited to: Promotion of the Irish Language and Culture among University Staff and Students: Promote and encourage the use of Irish among students and staff Work with Students Union, clubs and societies, and other student groups to encourage the use of Irish among students Work with University management and staff unions to promote the use of Irish among staff Work with relevant academic departments and University functions towards enhanced curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular experiences for students, principally in the Irish language and culture Create and develop a community of Irish language learners and speakers Language Planning and Policy: Supporting and coordinating Irish Language activities of the University among students and staff Prepare an operational plan for the development and promotion of the Irish Language across the University Monitor and record compliance with legislative requirements Monitor compliance with and progress of the actions set out in the Universitys Irish Language Scheme Data Collection and Reporting Supporting University Functions: Support and advise University functions on compliance with relevant legislative requirements and with the Universitys Irish Language Scheme Collaborate with university departments/units to ensure a consistent approach across MTU Translate or advise on translation of short texts (e.g., components of speeches, ceremonies, press releases, advertorial, social media, signage) Oversee larger assignments undertaken by external services to ensure consistency Stakeholder Engagement Develop networks and effective working relationships with relevant government departments/agencies and other stakeholders including community organisations, arts, sports, and culture bodies Develop effective working relationships with regional and national media Develop networks with the Gaeltacht community and other Irish Language organisations The ideal candidate for this position will have excellent proficiency in both Irish and English, with excellent written and verbal communication skills in both languages, relevant experience (e.g., in higher education, marketing, language promotion, events, translation), and strong organizational and interpersonal skills. The successful candidate will have as follows: Essential: Excellent standard in written and spoken Irish Proficiency in the use of information and communication technologies including the Microsoft Office Suite, particularly Word, Outlook, Excel and Teams Ability to work effectively and independently on own initiative and in a team. environment with commitment to personal and professional development Ability to draft written reports to a high standard Strong commitment to Irish Language and Culture and ability to be a visible and effective ambassador for same Excellent organizational skills, and the ability to manage a varied and demanding schedule of competing priorities within tight deadlines Effective communication skills, with the ability to communicate well orally, in writing, or via electronic means, as appropriate to audience requirements Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to motivate people Exhibit discretion, tact, courtesy and sound judgement when dealing with students, academic staff, professional, managerial and support staff, external parties and individuals Ability to be adaptable and responsive to a varied and dynamic work environment. Evidence of self-development Ability to develop new skills as may be required by the role Have the requisite knowledge, skills and competencies to carry out the role Desirable: A minimum of two years relevant experience Level 8 degree or higher from a recognised degree awarding authority, ideally with Irish as a final year subject Excellent understanding and demonstrable commitment to the needs of the Irish language community Qualification and/or experience in Irish Language translation Experience in the drafting of reports, minutes, policies, guidelines, procedures. Knowledge and understanding of the Irish higher education landscape Awareness of Irish Language official structures, legislative environments, requirements, and supports, and of relevant funding opportunities Terms of the Appointment: Salary Scale Grade VI: €55,643.00 - €67,980.00 p.a. including two long service increments (LSIs are paid after 3 years) Permanent whole-time position 35 hours per week. Additional hours outside of normal working hours, including weekends, may from time to time be reasonably required to meet the requirements of the position Annual leave: 27 days per annum. The Interview Process: If invited to interview, it is likely candidates will be assessed at the interview under the following criteria: Additional criteria may be added for the Interview as the need arises. Relevant knowledge and experience Organisational, interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills IT Skills Recording of Minutes, Report Writing and Event Planning skills Teamworking and collaborative skills. Please note that the interview will be conducted through both Irish and English Important Notes: Screening and short-listing only takes place on the basis of information submitted on the application. In addition to the minimum criteria, it may be necessary to introduce further shortlisting criteria. Candidates should note that they may be called for more than one interview Please ensure that full information is given on qualifications and that the information is accurate and corresponds to the original transcript of qualifications Please ensure that those you nominate as referees are contacted by you and will be able to supply a reference without delay if requested The University regrets that it cannot pay expenses for candidates attending interviews for this post or for taking up the position, if appointed Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted. Appointments will be subject to Garda vetting Application Process: Applications by MTU e-Recruitment system only. Applications will not be accepted in any other format. Please log on tofor further details and to apply for this position. Closing date for receipt of completed applications is 1.00 pm on Friday 1st November 2024 The information given in this document is of a general information nature only and should not be taken as contractual. MTU is an equal opportunities employer Skills: Promote the use of Irish among students and staff Work with Students' Union and various clubs Work with University management and staff sid na Gaeilge a chur chun cinn obair le foireann na hollscoile
