Shift Technician - CBRE GWS Ireland Ltd
  • Dublin, Other, Ireland
  • via What Jobs
Job Description

PurposeofJob The Shift Technician will work as part of an operational team to support the Critical environment 24/7/365. The shift team is responsible for the emergency response, operation of critical services within the data center environment and to stabilize emergency conditions as they arise. The shift team will operate out of the facilities operation centre and will ensure all aspects of the facility are covered&monitoredduringtheirshift.The shiftteamwillworkalongsidetheday operationsteam to align critical equipment operations through Electrical or Mechanical switching activities to facilitate break/fix and planned preventive maintenance (PM) activities across the campus. TheShifttechnicianwillreportdirectlyintotheshiftleadonsite. Responsibilities include: BethemainpointofcontactontheShiftfortheclient&CBREmanagement. Thesupervisionofthecentralfacilitiesoperationcentreandtheshiftduringyourshift rotation. Havefulloverview &awarenessofallactivities and,inconjunctionwiththe daytechteam and technical manager, will prioritize these activities. Train in the operation of all critical facility systems across the campus as outlined in the site-specific CBRE training syllabus. Areas include: Electrical, Mechanical, Building Monitoring, Fire and Controls. MonitortheFacilitiesOperationsCentreandensurethatallmonitoringSystemalarmsare responded to in a timely manner. Assistthedaytechteamintheshuttingdown/startupsofequipmentaspersiteoperational procedurestosupportallPM/CMactivities(MOP)carriedoutbythePMTeamorVendors. Provideadetailedshifthandoverreporttotheincomingshiftteam,thismustbeinawritten format & supported by verbal handover from your shift team to the next covering all aspects of the operation of the facility. Monitorandrespond toabnormalconditionsincriticalfacilitysystems. BetheFirstresponsetofirealerts,equipmentalarmsandfacilityevents. Fully conversant with the facility Emergency Response Plan, EOPs, and act as the shift liaison with security during site emergencies After failures internal and external to the facility, use EOPs to ensure site and personnel safety is maintained. Provide detailed reports for any/all incidents on site during your shift. Reports must be completedonthecorrecttemplate&senttotheCBRE supervisory&Management Team. These reports are used as lessons learnt & can feed into a wider report to the Client or CBRE management. Ensureallcriticalnotificationsareuptodateduringyourshiftandthenclosedoutcorrectly as required when the task is completed. Use CMMS to report all your facility related tasks This includes recording all hours on siteforthelikesofTraining,DRAs,ProcedureCreation/reviews,Permits,Vendorescorts, work performance etc. UsingtheCMMS,ensuretoreportallfacilityrelatedtasks,alltechniciantimemustbe accounted for & recorded in CMMS. EnsurecompletionofscheduledPMs/Correctivemaintenanceoranyscheduledworks via CMMS in a timely manner to achieve 100% PM compliance. Ensure all subcontractors are inducted and permitted to work within the CE domain. As required escort third party vendors to work locations and ensure area is safe to perform work. Reviewsubcontractorstatements,riskassessmentsandMSDStoensurecompliance with site health & safety and operating procedures prior to you or your shift team issuing permit to works. CarryoutVendorinspectionsduringyourshift,checking/monitoringqualityofwork, review data/service reports to include all break/fix, P.M.s and project work on site. Author,Peerreview,approveorcarryoutperiodicreviewsofallOperational Documentation(likeEOPs,Drillsetc.)asissuedbytheshiftlead&technicalmanager. Updateandlogallactivities/timeonCMMS.Ensureyouupdate&recordallyour time/activities on CMMS correctly. EnsurethedailyShiftHandoverreport issentviaemaildetailingactivities andissues that have taken place and that require escalation. Ensure a shift audit is carried out on all CE systems within the FOC BMS, EPMS, and Fireworks etc. at the end of your shift. Carryoutdrills&completetoolboxtalksasperKPItracker ReporthealthandsafetybreachesthroughtheHAZARDprocessitiseachengineers responsibility to report hazards via the CBRE QHSE platform (4-sight etc.) and provide updates to the CEM/QHSE team. Followup&closeoutanyopenhazardsthatareassignedtoyouoryourteam RemainonsiteuntilrelievedbyincomingShiftTechnician ProvidetheQHSETeam&CEMwithareportonthenumberofpermitstoworkissuedper month Report on the likes of quantities, Permit types, high risk activities & permit inspections etc. Adherencetoallquality,health&safety,andenvironmentalpolicieswithintheDataCentre Domain. Ensurethatallworkareasarecleanandtidyatalltimes Ensure you wear the CBRE uniform including appropriate PPE as issued and that the professional image of CBRE is presented to clients and visitors at all times while on site. TrainingandbecomeaCBREQHSEChampion,theresponsibilitiesoftheChampionmay include but not be limited to: Actasthepointofcontactonsiteformatters relatingtoQHSEfortheCampus QHSE Team Contributeintheeffectivemonitoringandofallknownhazardsandtheeffective closure of their associated action/s Carryoutweekly/MonthlysiteSafetyinspections/walks- DeliverQHSErelatedbriefings,ToolboxTalks and approvedtrainingmodules DeliveranapprovednewstarterQHSEinductiontoallnewmembersoftheCE team Contributeintheeffectivemaintenanceofthesiteriskregisterandthatofthe associated assessments reviewing the efficiency of applied controls ParticipateinmonthlylogbookreviewsandQHSEaudits CompleteregularRiskChampionauditson4-sightprovidereportsforthesame to the QHSE manager Contributein incidentinvestigationsand reviewpanels. Qualifications and Experience: A fully verifiable trade qualification in a relevant engineering discipline and verifiable additional training that is relevant to the proposed environment. UnderstandingofLVpowerdistributionandloading.Previousdatacentre(orsimilarlab) experience - desirable Anexcellentunderstandingandexperienceoftheelectricalandmechanicalsystemsused in a data Center environment, including: Feeders, Transformers, Generators, Fuel Systems, Switchgear, UPS systems, Battery banks, ATS/STS units, PDU/PMM units, Chillers, Air handling units, CRAC units, Fire Alarm systems, and Fire Suppression systems. Experience of complex automatic control equipment, including relay logic, programmable logiccontrollers(PLCs),buildingmanagementsystems,andtheirintegrationwiththedata Centre infrastructure. Experience of medium voltage distribution systems and associated switch gear and protection equipment. Strong oral and written communication skills, with the ability to communicate intelligently and effectively with the client and with contractors who perform maintenance or upgrade work on the data Centre systems. Computerliteratewiththeabilitytocompileandsubmitmonthlyandannualreports,andto monitor and trend operational characteristics (load, capacity, environmental conditions etc.) Good working ability on Microsoft Office Products. The ability to learn quickly and to gain maximum benefit from extensive training and development programs aimed at ensuring that any identified knowledge or experience deficiencies are addressed in the short term. Availabilitytoworkshiftandtoprovideemergencycoverasrequired. Organized, able to effectively prioritize and deliver within a dynamic and high pressure, business critical environment. Self-motivated,withabilitytoworkonowninitiative. Circumstances: The shift technician is the next point of contact to cover shifts during emergency situations to provide holiday and sickness cover at short notice. You must be flexible in your working patterns to support requirements dictated by the rhythm of the business & operational demands. Skills: Engineering electrican Mechanical Benefits: Medical Aid / Health Care Laptop Paid Holidays Parking Pension Fund
